The Environmental Health Division is the inspectional arm of the Wyandot County Public Health. Through a variety of licenses and permits, the Environmental Health staff monitors operations with public health significance and impact.

Additional activities mandated by regulation or need are also part of this program. All programs are keyed to the prevention of personal injury, the prevention of unnecessary illness, and the improvement of the quality of life.

The following activities and services are provided by the Environmental Health Division. For more information on some of the programs, click on their headlines.

Environmental Health Programs

The Environmental Health program consists of a variety of activities, most of which are mandated by Board of Health regulations or State law. Each program consists of several activities. Sanitarians must inspect operations or premises to compare what is found to a standard (the regulation or law) and then evaluate the inspectional findings to determine compliance with the standard. There is also an enforcement provision for those persons or operations that do not meet standards and an educational and informational component to help upgrade licensed operations and to inform the general public.

Food Safety

The food program consists of five inspection activities: Food Service Operations (FSO) (restaurants), Retail Food Establishments (RFE) (grocery stores), Food Vending Machines, Mobile Food Services and Temporary Food Operations (festivals). Investigations of all food borne illnesses are completed with recommendations made to affected food operations.

Home Sewage Treatment

Much of Wyandot County is unsewered so individual home sewage systems are necessary in order for home building to continue. Wyandot County Public Health offers guidance and inspections for home sewage systems.

Mosquito Program

The mosquito program in Wyandot County consists of two components. In light of the West Nile Virus situation, education of the public is our primary tool to protect the public. Surveillance entails trapping and testing of mosquitoes throughout the county to determine if the virus is present.

Solid Waste Disposal

As an Ohio EPA approved Health District, inspections are made of solid waste landfills, compost facilities, and generators of infectious waste.


A nuisance is an act or omission that obstructs, damages, or inconveniences the rights of the community. It covers a wide variety of matters that threaten the health, safety, or welfare of the public. A public health nuisance is a legally actionable nuisance that violates Ohio codified law and has the potential to negatively threaten the public health of a community.

Examples of public health nuisances include sewage discharging onto the ground or into water such as wells, aquifers, ditches, streams, rivers, or lakes; illegal dumping or burning of wastes such as open dumping or open burning of trash, solid wastes, construction, demolition debris, or scrap tires; providing harborage conditions for pests such as rodents, mosquitos, or other vectors that can spread disease; or creating a source of environmental pollution of water or air, which poses a risk to the public’s health.

Wyandot County Public Health does not enforce any building or housing maintenance code (currently there are no building codes or housing maintenance codes for Wyandot County) for issues dealing with mold, electrical, plumbing, roofing, structure, etc. You may check with your city/ village offices to find out if there are residential building codes within your city/ village.

Complaints are investigated in a timely manner so as to maintain proper community sanitation standards. Nuisance complaint forms may be downloaded here. This form must be printed off and completed, including your name, address, and signature in order for our department to investigate the situation. Nuisance complaints are a matter of public record and may not be submitted anonymously.

For assistance finding resources to improve the health and safety of the home visit our healthy homes page.

Private Water Program

Clean, healthful water is a necessity for everyone. Therefore, in areas where there is not a municipal water system, individual wells are necessary. Sanitarians insure that well development meets State Code requirements to reduce the possibilities of ground water contamination. Water hauler vehicles are also inspected annually.

Rabies Control

Investigations are conducted of all animal bites reported to our department. Follow up assures that privately owned pets involved in biting incidents are vaccinated against rabies following the quarantine period. Download this brochure to learn more about rabies.

To report an animal bite, please download and complete a form and return it to the Wyandot County Public Health.

Other Environmental Health Activities

Under this heading are the following activities: School Sanitation and Safety, Recreational Vehicle Park Camp and Recreation Area Sanitation and Safety, and Manufactured Home Park Safety and Sanitation. Upon request, pre-sale evaluations of individual water and sewage systems are performed for home buyers and mortgage lenders.


Ticks are also submitted by our department for identification. If a tick is found attached to a human or animal, remove it immediately and if it is still alive, bring it in a sealed container to the health department so it can be submitted for species identification. Watch the area on the skin where the tick was attached for a rash. If a rash occurs, or if you acquire any symptoms such as a fever, headaches or muscle aches, see your doctor immediately.

For more information on ticks and tick-born diseases, visit the Ohio Department of Health's website.

Healthy Homes

Environmental hazards in the home harm millions of children each year. The healthy homes program addresses multiple childhood diseases and injuries in and around the home. The Wyandot County Healthy Homes Program addresses a variety of environmental health and safety concerns including mold, lead, allergens, carbon monoxide, home safety , and radon.

Swimming Pool

Public swimming pools are licensed and inspected yearly. Licensed pool operators are welcome to call Jeffrey Ritchey, Wyandot County Public Health Director of Environmental Health at 419-294-3852.

For more technical guidance, visit the Ohio Department of Health’s website.

Smoke Free Workspace

The Wyandot County Public Health is responsible for enforcing the Ohio Smoke-free Workspace Law. To make a complaint about a place of employment not abiding by the Ohio smoke-free workspace law, please call the Ohio Department of Health's toll free hotline at 1-866-559-OHIO (6446) or call our office during normal business hours.

Wyandot County Public Health is nationally accredited through the Public Health Accreditation Board (PHAB). Established in 2007, PHAB is the non-profit organization that administers the national accreditation program, which aims to advance and transform public health practice by championing performance improvement, strong infrastructure, and innovation.
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